Saturday, December 6, 2008


We went to see Santa last night. He was a "real santa". A "real santa" has a "real" beard. Bai Hua had threatened to pull on his beard if she suspected it was fake. She was really excited to see him though. We also got to pet reighndeer. That was a very big deal!

Now, I am feeling very guilty for encouraging her to believe in santa. The child is 12 and by this age ALL american kids get that there is no santa. I am afraid though that if she knew the truth, she would ruin it for Kennedy. She is great with Kennedy but there are those annoying little sister moments where I could see her delivering the crushing information to her at the worst possible moment. My thoughts so far have been to allow her to have this experience as most American kids would. I plan on explaining next year why we let her believe. I hope that she isn't resentful. She is generally not the personality type to be resentful, but she is a tween! :-)

Today we have 2 Christmas parties to go to. A busy day for daddy since I am working all day. I think he can handle it though. :-)

I will post the santa picture as soon as I can get home and scan it! It is VERY nice. It really shows how much of a young lady that Bai Hua is becoming. She is no longer a little girl!
Talk to you soon!Tracy

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