Saturday, October 4, 2008


So much happens in a day that I don't remember to post here. We had our follow up visit at Children's for the hospital stay. Her Dr. broke some news to us which we definitely needed to hear. She seems to think that Bai Hua will be in a wheelchair for High School and College years because of possible changes in her body. At the moment, Bai Hua wants to WALK and we will support that completely. The Physical Therapist thinks that we should continue with our current plans and see where it leads us. There is no way to know what the outcome will be for her unless we give it a shot. We just have no way of knowing what her PT was in China and so we don't know what is possible.

She has broken her braces twice now. She has not worn them for about 2 weeks and it is showing in a big way. She is crouching way more than she was. We got a new prescription for braces that are all one piece. This will eliminate the possibility that she can even break them. She has her appointment with the orthotist on Tuesday to see if they can make the current braces stationary or if they have to make new ones. She really doesn't like the braces at all. I can't say that I blame her because she walks much slower. If she wants to walk though, this is the way we have to go. :-( Her Dr. is talking Botox again but wants to see how the braces work first. We have another appointment in early November to discuss this.

SCHOOL - I met with the school and she is doing quite well and is reading at about a 2nd grade level already. She is picking it up VERY fast. In math, she is at around a 4th grade level as well. So, all in all, she is doing very well.

I am also told that she is one of the most popular kids at school! She is incredible in that arena. When I explained Halloween to her and that she would get to go door to door and get candy.... she asked if I would be giving out candy and announced that she wanted to do that instead. She is definitely a giver rather than a receiver.

Favorite thing to do... when asked, she will tell you shopping! She is obsessive about her money now and that she will get to go shopping with Nai Nai to buy Christmas presents. She is very excited about Christmas. It is quite fun to live life through her eyes.

Talk to you soon!


Grandma Sylvia said...

I just have to comment on this. Bai Hua has enriched my life immensely. I love spending time with her. She is a delight! Her zest for life is inspiring. She is sure to become a strong woman. Grandpa loves her too! We are so lucky to have such a beautiful charming granddaughter! Kennedy of course has my heart. She is very close to Grandpa and me. I miss her so much if a week goes by without seeing her. She calls me on the phone and is so sweet to think of us. My heart is full of joy when she comes in with her "Grandma, Grandma" hug! Love MOM

Grandma Sylvia said...

Grandma can't wait to go Christmas shopping with my sweet girls! I am jumping the gun a little as I'm afraid I started without them! They are in my thoughts all day every day. Love, Grandma Nai Nai